Audio Lecture Series
As part of the semester of activities within the farm school, Vicki holds a parent lecture and forum several times a year, which she records and produces. Some of the lectures have been posted in her blog and are available HERE for free.

Just below, her professional CD series designed for Teachers, Parents, Kindergartens, Early Childhood Parenting Classes and Home and Play Groups was recorded in the Spring of 2013 and is now on sale in digital or hard copy formats through our digital distribution partners.

CD number one, Creating a Healthy Environment for Your Child and the Importance of Nature, was presented on January 15, 2013. In Waldorf Education the teachers work with the idea that there are currently twelve senses(with others being developed as the human being evolves). The talk describes the nature of the senses and how to cultivate them so that your child experiences life in a healthy and wholesome way so that they can feel confident and secure and grow to become an adult that can make positive contributions to our culture. There are practical ideas presented so that your home life will flourish.

This talk references a supplemental graphic "Twelve Senses" which you can view and download by clicking the thumbnail to the left.

CD number two,The Value of Imagination and Play: Living Simply and Nourishing the Will, was presented on February 12, 2013. It explores the nature of the threefold human being, head, heart and hand and focuses on how to cultivate creative imagination through family practices which the young child can imitate, thereby strengthening their will, which becomes the ability to put into practice as an adult the heartfelt and inspired ideas which one has in service to the world.

This talk references a supplemental graphic "The Threefold Human Being and Imagination" which you can view and download by clicking the thumbnail to the left.

CD number three, The Seven Year Stages of Child Development, Family Relationships and Nurturing Harmony in Your Home, was presented on March 12, 2013. This talk presents the stages of development, birth to death, and how parent and child mutually impact one another. As you begin to understand the nature of human development you will gain a more clear insight into your child. This will bring about a positive change in your relationship to your child and benefit the family dynamics.

This talk references a supplemental graphic "Child Development and Family Relationships" which you can view and download by clicking the thumbnail to the left.