The Healthy Benefits of Sleep



The Health Benefits of Sleep

Sleep plays a greater role in health and vitality than the modern culture appreciates. In this talk we take a look at different elements of sleep and how to cultivate a healthy sleep culture in your home.


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By: Vicki Kirsch

Immunity, Health, and Immunizations



Immunity, Health and Immunizations

The Waldorf Philosophy embraces a much different paradigm regarding health and immunity than the modern mainstream. When one begins to understand this it becomes apparent why it is reasonable to question whether immunizations are helpful or not. This is an important factor when attempting to help your child be healthy.

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By: Vicki Kirsch

Cosmic Nutrition – The Twelve Senses and Creating A Healthy Environment


The Twelve Senses and Creating a Healthy Home LIfe

In modern life we think of 6 senses, but Rudolf Steiner spoke clearly about 12 senses and others that would develop as humans evolve. This talk helps you understand your child and how to set up a home that is healthy for them and for you. There are practical suggestions about how and why to do this. We learn that the senses help to form the organs  and thus the health of the human being.

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By: Vicki Kirsch

Festivals – The Inbreathe and Outbreathe of the Cosmos


Festivals: The Inbreathe and Outbreathe of the Cosmos

This talk speaks about the life of Mother Earth and how we humans can synchronize and honor this yearly rhythm through Festivals and their unique celebration in our home lives, thus bringing health to our homes and relationships.

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By: Vicki Kirsch

How to Nurture a Healthy and Thriving Family


How to Nurture A Healthy and Thriving Family In Times of Chaos

This talk focuses on the Soul and Spirit Life of the parent, so that one can become centered in the sacred task of parenting in a way that provides stability, safety and security. There are simple suggestions for actions to take and how to nurture yourself and your child.

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By: Vicki Kirsch

Sleeping: How to Promote good Sleep


                       To Promote Good Sound Sleep for Your Child:

  1. Eat mainly organic/biodynamic foods and a balanced diet. Avoid processed foods and pharmaceutical drugs. Eat healthy fats, such as coconut, olive oil and butter from grass fed animals.
  2. Provide a beautiful environment, natural materials and simplicity.
  3. Avoid electronics when you can and too many modern devices. Turn out the lights.
  4. Spend time outdoors, enjoying Nature.
  5. Practice positive values, thankfulness, reverence, awe and wonder.
  6. Cultivate your Spiritual life with prayers, blessings, contemplation, arts and meditation. Acting as a Role Model is the best teacher for young children.
  7. Provide protection. Choose outings in the world carefully.
  8. Keep your child warm with natural fibers.
  9. Touch and hug a great deal.
  10. Rock, sing and soothe on a regular basis.
  11. Give images of angels who guide and protect, soothe and nurture.
  12. Discover the essentials and discard/ avoid the rest.
  13. Review the day, simply forwards or backwards. Tell meaningful stories.
  14. Create a ritual which honors sleep as a holy activity spent in our Spiritual homeland receiving rejuvenation and inspiration.
  15. Value the threshold times of sleeping and waking as holy times when you can deeply connect with your child.
  16. Create an inner picture of the next day for your child every evening. Angels will then give you input in your sleep.
  17. Cultivate quiet listening.
  18. Allow your child to imitate what you want them to do rather than give them instructions. This is called non- verbal education. Take care not to overintellectualize with your child.
  19. Observe your child, reflect on this and ask the Angels for guidance.
  20. Establish a rhythmic daily practice of sleeping, eating and daily. This supports the organs and the production of hormones and melatonin which promotes sleep and health.


                       Things Which Act Against Good Sound Sleep:

  1. Poor quality of food. It does not support the Life Force and Sense of Life necessary for sleep.
  2. Media such as television, movies, computers, pads, etc. creates doubt, worry and fear through characterizations which are untruthful, ugly and fabrications. The quality of the tones are not life enhancing.
  3. Movement deprivation has a damaging effect on the nervous system.
  4. Pollution negatively impacts the body and sensory experience.
  5. Negative thoughts alienate the self from the Spiritual World.
  6. Overintellectualization overstimulates the nervous system in a negative way.
  7. Hardened overly materialistic thoughts incarnates the human being too deeply into the body.
  8. An arrhythmic life does not guide the organs into a healthy function.
  9. Overstimulation locks the self into the physical body and does not promote the soul and spirit entering the spiritual realities of the night.
  10. An overly electric and technological environment overstimulates the nerves which interferes with sleep.
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By: Vicki Kirsch

Keys to Health

Posted: April 2014 in Health,Main,Parenting - Tags: ,

The predisposition to illness is determined by actions and attitudes of the last life. This life presents an opportunity to overcome issues with illness.  As an adult one may provide a model for children to imitate and heal an illness when practicing  the following principles:

  • Enjoyment of work to produce warmth
  • Elements of calm and order
  • Positive attitude
  • Overcome fears
  • Love for humanity
  • Trust in destiny
  • Regular exercise
  • Meditative practice
  • Contemplation
  • Process  feelings of the day each night
  • Rhythm of activity and rest
  • Cultivation of the virtues, reverence, wonder, gratitude, kindness, compassion, tolerance and, love, etc.

Immune suppressors are:

  • Immunization
  • Antibiotics and allopathic medicine
  • Sugar and poor nutrition
  • Media stress
  • Not enough sleep
  • Pollutants , including household and body care  products and perfume

Much of modern life depletes the Etheric( Life) Body, including the following:

  • Intellectualism and  materialism
  • Overstimulation and electricity
  • Consumerism
  • Artificial materials
  • Allopathic medicine and antibiotics
  • Hardening
  • Media Conventional agriculture
  • Pollutants and  materialistic chemistry


  • Imagination and  imitation for young and old
  • Rhythm and repetition
  • Spiritual life and festivals
  • Natural materials
  • Holistic medicine
  • Play, nature and movement
  • Organic and biodynamic food
  • Ecological practices
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By: Vicki Kirsch