Separation Anxiety

Posted: February 2014 in Main,Parenting - Tags: ,

Boy holding onto his motherA topic many parents have asked for help with is separation anxiety.

I believe that our thoughts and feelings have a great effect on children and that the following is helpful. Children thrive when they feel that an adult is lovingly in charge and models trust, confidence, kindness, caring and understanding with the underlying attitude,”I can handle this problem.”  They also benefit from the belief that they can be strong and courageous enough to overcome their fears.

Another helpful belief and reality is that there are Spiritual Beings, including the child’s own Angel, your Angel and Archangel Michael, here to protect and give courage. If your child needs help, call on these Beings. Language, such as, “I will always help and protect you and love and care for you and will be there to help you”, can support the transition. Generally speaking, our  joy and enthusiasm creates a mood where they can move out of the fearful state.

Another factor is that the world today is filled with an atmosphere of fear, worry, doubt and discordant beliefs. These do not align with the spiritual realities of our existence. The greatest assistance for you and your child is to cultivate your relationship to your Higher Being and then the Spiritual Beings can help  as they are very willing  to do. However, they will only help adults if we ask for assistance since they have great respect for freedom and individual initiative.

Children are very sensitive to the energies around them and so when parents have doubt and worry or concern that they not linger longer at drop off time, as fear is contagions amongst children. Most of the time the children and I go on to have a joyous day together with lots of humor and fun….so don’t worry!

We are a circle of love and support for the children and I look forward to our community learning and growing together.

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By: Vicki Kirsch

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