Attracting Healthy Elementals: Creating A Healthy Home Environment and Sacred Space

Posted: January 2015 in Nature,Parenting,Spirit - Tags:

elemental_alchemy.w450h450-39722Elementals are the Beings that play the role of participating in the actual manifestation of material reality under the direction, guidance and inspiration of Higher Beings. They sacrifice themselves to this challenging role for the sake of the human being that we may have a stage upon which to grow and evolve. Their nature is such that they imitate the qualities, thinking and especially feelings of the humans that are in their environment. For this reason, we can affect the environments we live in and that we create, including our homes, yards, towns, states, countries, and world. The following are positive actions that we can take to create a positive and healthy environment and sacred space.

  1. Be cheerfully industrious.
  2. Become balanced with an evenness between cheer and seriousness. Practice deliberate cheerfulness.
  3. Observe the seasons with reverence and veneration. Create Festivals that reflect these qualities and spiritual devotion.
  4. Cultivate love, awe, wonder, gratitude and idealism.
  5. Form the habit of blessing your home, your yard, your life, people, etc. with the qualities and virtues you value, such as love, peace, generosity, kindness, and truth. This can be done with blessings, ceremonies, prayers, etc.
  6. When serving and preparing food charge it with the qualities of the Light of Higher Beings. Ask that it bring perfect health and vitality to your family. Request and command that there be plentiful food for your self, your family, loved ones, your country, and the world. Carry the inner attitude that every meal is a banquet of thanksgiving. Express gratitude to God and The Higher Beings, the Elementals for all that you receive.
  7. Bless and give thanks to and for your clothing. Charge it with love, Cleanliness, strength and beauty for all your family.
  8. Bless and be thankful for your home as a Temple of Light and Happiness, of Peace, great silence, security, sanctuary and as an altar of gratitude.
  9. Bless and picture those entering your home to be filled with Light, Love and Peace.
  10. Charge and picture your beds as places of forgiveness, of rest, healing, of restoration and rejuvenation where there is perfect peace and a connection to the Higher Self, the I Am That I Am.
  11. Charge and picture every chair and seat with the energy of harmonization, purity, health Illumination, love and goodness.
  12. Visualize your home to be a Holy Cup filled with the liquid Light of protection, perfect beauty, and purity.
  13. Express love and gratitude to the Elementals for their loving sacrifice and ask that they be freed from the negativity that humans express in thought, feeling and action.
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By: Vicki Kirsch

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