Cooking For Young Children and Spiritual Practices in Cooking – Thoughts From Today September 11, 2018

Posted: September 2018 in Main,Parenting


Thoughts From Today September 11, 2018

Ms. Vicki of talks about healthy cooking for young children and her spiritual practices.

A few quotes from the talk about children and food:

“When the teeth come in, the digestion is ready for food.”

“Live foods bring enzymes, and enzymes help with digestion.”

“The Asian principle is to have all 5 tastes in the meal.” “The bitters help the liver to function.”

“Introduce foods one at a time, especially the allergy prone foods.”

How to get children interested in eating healthy food?
“At a young age, they can cook with you and be a part of the meal.”

“It’s good to have foods separated, so they can tell what their body needs; the body will tell them as what they are drawn to.”

Relationship between Nutrition, Food and Behavior
“Children behave based on their nutrition.” “If absorbtion does not take place, they become nutritionally deprived.”

“You can use herbs for nutrition. Teas, tinctures (liver tinctures, homeopathy and other ways to bring about nutrition.”

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By: Angeline

How and Why of Puppet Shows – ‘Thoughts From Today’ September 4, 2018

Posted: September 2018 in Main

Click Here to See Video – How and Why of Puppet Shows – Ms. Vicki’s ‘Thoughts From Today’ September 4, 2018

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By: Angeline

Learning Styles, Differences & Temperaments


Learning Styles, Differences and Temperaments

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By: Vicki Kirsch

The Healthy Benefits of Sleep



The Health Benefits of Sleep

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Immunity, Health, and Immunizations



Immunity, Health and Immunizations

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By: Vicki Kirsch

Cosmic Nutrition – The Twelve Senses and Creating A Healthy Environment


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By: Vicki Kirsch

Festivals – The Inbreathe and Outbreathe of the Cosmos


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How to Nurture a Healthy and Thriving Family


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By: Vicki Kirsch