Working With Boys

Posted: April 2014 in Free Audio,Main,Parenting - Tags: , ,

Here’s a little free audio for you I recorded at a live Waldorf teacher workshop in March. Titled “Working With Boys“, this recording gives insight into the minds of boys and how parents and teachers can work with them to bring out the best in them. Total time for this audio is almost 3 hours…so take your time and enjoy.

Edit: The volume is a bit low, so you may need to turn your volume up a bit more than normal.

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By: Vicki Kirsch

Keys to Health

Posted: April 2014 in Health,Main,Parenting - Tags: ,

The predisposition to illness is determined by actions and attitudes of the last life. This life presents an opportunity to overcome issues with illness.  As an adult one may provide a model for children to imitate and heal an illness when practicing  the following principles:

  • Enjoyment of work to produce warmth
  • Elements of calm and order
  • Positive attitude
  • Overcome fears
  • Love for humanity
  • Trust in destiny
  • Regular exercise
  • Meditative practice
  • Contemplation
  • Process  feelings of the day each night
  • Rhythm of activity and rest
  • Cultivation of the virtues, reverence, wonder, gratitude, kindness, compassion, tolerance and, love, etc.

Immune suppressors are:

  • Immunization
  • Antibiotics and allopathic medicine
  • Sugar and poor nutrition
  • Media stress
  • Not enough sleep
  • Pollutants , including household and body care  products and perfume

Much of modern life depletes the Etheric( Life) Body, including the following:

  • Intellectualism and  materialism
  • Overstimulation and electricity
  • Consumerism
  • Artificial materials
  • Allopathic medicine and antibiotics
  • Hardening
  • Media Conventional agriculture
  • Pollutants and  materialistic chemistry


  • Imagination and  imitation for young and old
  • Rhythm and repetition
  • Spiritual life and festivals
  • Natural materials
  • Holistic medicine
  • Play, nature and movement
  • Organic and biodynamic food
  • Ecological practices
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By: Vicki Kirsch

Parental Guidance and Boundaries


Here’s a fun and informative talk I did titled Parental Guidance and Boundaries. Running time is 37:52.

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By: admin