Immunity, Health, and Immunizations
Immunity, Health and Immunizations
The Waldorf Philosophy embraces a much different paradigm regarding health and immunity than the modern mainstream. When one begins to understand this it becomes apparent why it is reasonable to question whether immunizations are helpful or not. This is an important factor when attempting to help your child be healthy.
Cosmic Nutrition – The Twelve Senses and Creating A Healthy Environment
The Twelve Senses and Creating a Healthy Home LIfe
In modern life we think of 6 senses, but Rudolf Steiner spoke clearly about 12 senses and others that would develop as humans evolve. This talk helps you understand your child and how to set up a home that is healthy for them and for you. There are practical suggestions about how and why to do this. We learn that the senses help to form the organs and thus the health of the human being.
Creating and Nurturing Environment and Sanctuary
Vicki Kirsch – Stargarden Talk – 10-16-07 Creating and Nurturing Environment and Sanctuary
Creating and Nurturing Environment and Sanctuary [Part 1]
Creating and Nurturing Environment and Sanctuary [Part 2]
The importance of Sleep
Vicki Kirsch – Stargarden Talk – 10-13-09 Importance of Sleep
Sleep Part 1
Sleep Part 2
Creating a Healthy Home Environment
Vicki Kirsch – Stargarden Talk – 3-30-09 Creating a Healthy Home Environment
Your Biography and Your Child
Vicki Kirsch – Stargarden Talk – 2-22-09 – Your Biography and Your Child
Health and Well Being for You and Your Child
Vicki Kirsch – Stargarden Talk – 1-17-09 Health and Well Being for You and Your Child